Tawlet, Beirut
Client Kamal Mouzawak Location Horeca, Beirut, Lebanon soukeltayeb.com
For the Horeca Lebanon expo, Beirut’s annual meeting place for the hospitality and foodservice industries, Kamal Mouzawak engaged Rana Salam Studio to create a set design for his Tawlet stand. The studio took Tawlet’s familiar icon of the long, communal table and replicated it in a very modern and whimsical way – at each place sat the portrayal of a Middle Eastern celebrity from the 1950’s. Combining the studio’s own signature graphics with images of the celebrities, it became a make-believe dinner-party of the stars. ‘A party on the Tawlet’, hence became the title, meaning ‘Party on the table’. Its high impact was far in excess of the project’s low-budget.